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Place, Culture and Landscape After the Christchurch Earthquake

Place, culture and landscape all provide continuity to our lives. Continuity of biophysical settings, of people and activities, of values and memories; in short, our sense of who we are. Yet communities become most aware of the importance of such continuity only when it is threatened — whether incrementally, for example, through globalisation; deliberately, through redevelopment; or dramatically, through natural disaster or conflict

By |2022-08-30T13:41:35+10:00December 13th, 2021|Arts, Culture & Society, Environment & Energy|Comments Off on Place, Culture and Landscape After the Christchurch Earthquake

Adblocking and Media Automation: Anti-Advertising and Industry Disruption

Apple’s 2015 decision to allow ad-blocking apps on the iOS App Store sparked a larger debate — ‘a kind of war’, in the words of one developer. At issue were the ethics and practices of both advertisers and ad-blockers. For some participants, the stakes were, and remain, high: the future prospects of the advertising-supported web, and therefore our established systems for producing, paying for, and circulating journalism

By |2022-08-30T13:41:12+10:00December 13th, 2021|Arts, Culture & Society|Comments Off on Adblocking and Media Automation: Anti-Advertising and Industry Disruption

Fragrantly Here All Day

And then, that must be space. Because we call it space, or landscape, or terrain. Or at the weedy worst a plain potential for development: right-angles on an undulant soft ground

By |2022-01-22T14:24:19+11:00December 13th, 2021|Arts, Culture & Society|Comments Off on Fragrantly Here All Day

Balancing the curriculum: teaching gratitude, hope and resilience

Today's youth face many challenges, including pressures from school, peer groups, parents, marketing, and incessant ‘digital connectedness’ promoted by social media. Current research shows that many Australian adolescents suffer from sleep deprivation, drug and alcohol abuse, insecurity, poor diets, insufficient exercise and family upheaval

By |2021-12-30T14:12:29+11:00December 13th, 2021|Arts, Culture & Society, Health|Comments Off on Balancing the curriculum: teaching gratitude, hope and resilience

Creative Cities

If an advertising guru, a famous writer and an even more famous philosopher between them are right, in order to foster creativity we need curiosity about life in all its aspects, imagination to picture what we desire, will to bring it into being, and understanding of desire, emotion and knowledge as the wellsprings of all human behaviour to encourage its widespread adoption

By |2022-01-22T13:55:21+11:00September 1st, 2021|Arts, Culture & Society, Environment & Energy|Comments Off on Creative Cities

The Emergence of WikiLeaks: Openness, Secrecy and Democracy

Just three years ago WikiLeaks was virtually unknown and its founder, Julian Assange, was next to unrecognisable as a national, let alone global identity.A short time later almost no one could say that they knew nothing about the organisation. Assange’s picture appeared on the front cover of TIME magazine and he was described early in 2011 as the most ‘famous man in the world’

By |2022-01-23T12:29:37+11:00September 1st, 2021|Arts, Culture & Society, Governance|Comments Off on The Emergence of WikiLeaks: Openness, Secrecy and Democracy
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