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Australian Architecture: Expressionism tendencies in the twentieth century

Australian architects of the twentieth century were bound by a common thread — the search for a national style and identity. During the post-war period, immigration and mass production meant the formation of new communities and aesthetics that represented both a rebellion against conformism and a gateway to pluralism

By |2021-12-30T14:12:18+11:00December 14th, 2021|Arts, Culture & Society|Comments Off on Australian Architecture: Expressionism tendencies in the twentieth century

The ties that bind: same-sex parent families in a modern world

In modern Australia there is a rich tapestry of family types that has been weaved from the social and cultural diversity that makes this country a privileged place to live. When viewed in contrast to the chaotic diaspora in which many families around the world strive to live, nay exist in a struggle for freedom and opportunity, this embroidered tableau of variety richly serves the cultural milieu in which Australian families can thrive

By |2022-01-31T10:07:44+11:00December 14th, 2021|Arts, Culture & Society|Comments Off on The ties that bind: same-sex parent families in a modern world

The Future of Australian Higher Education

In September 2007, IBT Education Limited, Australia’s only stock market-listed provider of higher education, held its annual general meeting. Investors had every reason to be pleased. Profits were $54 million, a very healthy surplus on takings of $283 million. IBT Education had recorded a higher revenue than 13 public universities

By |2022-01-31T10:08:49+11:00December 14th, 2021|Arts, Culture & Society|Comments Off on The Future of Australian Higher Education

Affordable Housing

Affordable housing of a reasonable standard is crucial to a country and its people. Without it, people are impoverished, families and communities eroded, jobs lost, the economy weakened and the environment damaged. Australia is facing a creeping crisis of housing affordability, often accompanied by deteriorating transport systems and poor urban planning

By |2022-01-31T09:32:00+11:00December 14th, 2021|Arts, Culture & Society|Comments Off on Affordable Housing

Branded Content

Back in the olden days, just before the internet was invented, there was a clear demarcation between journalism and advertising. The journalism brought in the readers, who consumed the ads, which paid for the journalism. It was simple. Life was good. Reporters had jobs and media proprietors were absurdly wealthy. Nowadays, in this era of digital disruption, everything is blurred

By |2022-01-28T12:07:53+11:00December 14th, 2021|Arts, Culture & Society|Comments Off on Branded Content

What Have the Humanities Ever Done For Us?

The case for public funding of scientific and technological research in Australia, as in most countries in the world, is generally regarded as self-evident and axiomatic. Without sustained and curiosity-driven research, as everyone knows, bridges might well fall down, cheap fuels remain undiscov- ered, new viruses spread unchecked from country to country

By |2022-01-28T12:09:57+11:00December 14th, 2021|Arts, Culture & Society|Comments Off on What Have the Humanities Ever Done For Us?

Escaping drugs and alcohol

Alcohol and drugs: Why do people take them, what do they hope to get out of taking them? Why do things go wrong sometimes? How do people get into trouble? The history of substance use in Australia is rich and colourful. White Australia was settled with our first soldiers, the Rum Corps, being paid in alcohol

By |2022-01-12T10:30:41+11:00December 14th, 2021|Arts, Culture & Society, Health|Comments Off on Escaping drugs and alcohol

Success, Trends and Influence of Social Media in Mainstream Media

At the New News conference at the Wheeler Centre in Melbourne in October 2015, run under the auspices of the Centre for Advancing Journalism at Melbourne University, I chaired a session on the various ways in which organisations and individuals are using social media to reach audiences

By |2021-12-30T14:57:35+11:00December 14th, 2021|Arts, Culture & Society|Comments Off on Success, Trends and Influence of Social Media in Mainstream Media
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